Thursday, September 9, 2010

How Compelling is the Story You Are Living?

I just listened to a talk by Erwin McManus and was struck by one of the many great things he said. Essentially he asked the question from the title of this post. Erwin asked if the story I am currently living is compelling enough for the people who see this story to be drawn into following the things that I say or do, or am I just telling people things and expecting them to follow because I have said it?

This is a critical question. In my professional life I teach students. By my very position at the front of the class I am in a position where a group of 30+ people watch and listen to everything I say and what is worse they tend to write down pretty much every word uttered. Is my expectation that my students will just do as I say because of my position or is there a better way for me to go about my chosen profession? Maybe it would be better if I were to demonstrate the story of my experience to my students so they learn from my experience and knowledge because they are inspired to do so as opposed to being told to do so. How much more effective would my teaching be if I were to use my story to help compel them to learn our profession?

What about my life in the church? Do I lead in such a way that people see my story and are compelled in some way to do what I do or follow where I go? Do I just say things or even write things without living a compelling story and then expect people to do what I say? Where does this model of leadership come from? Where did we begin to think that people should do what we say when they are uninspired by the things they see us doing?

I think it is time to live a compelling story in all aspects of my life so that those who see it may be inspired to follow. Nowhere is this more important than with my family. How can I expect my kids to grow up and live their lives following Jesus if they do not see their daddy living his life for Him? Do my kids see me building my relationship with Jesus more than they see me on my computer or watching TV? What does my life story say to them? Time for a change. Time to live a story that is compelling, not a life that is struggling to even reach mediocrity.

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