Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What is 'Church'?

I have been considering this simple question having read some friend's blogs and had some discussions with others. It seems that this simple question should have a simple answer, but that does not appear to be the case. The simplicity of the question almost generates inordinate complexity in response - and the reason I think for that is personal preference. Society today has become a very individualized system of relationships - not connections, but relationships. (Two buildings standing side by side are in relation to one another, but there is no connection between the two.) So to answer the question 'what is church?' - the answer would appear to be 'church is whatever I want church to be'.

Where did we get this notion from? Where did we get such a sense of entitlement where we believe that we can determine what church should be. When did we believe that those whom God has gifted, called and appointed to leadership should listen to those of us who are not called, gifted and appointed, but have an opinion nonetheless? When did we take Jesus out of the Captain's chair and set our own fat selves in that position? When did we determine what church should be?

There has been a lot of talk over the years about the Acts 2 church yet there does not seem to be that much activity to become the Acts 2 church. If you are wondering what the Acts 2 church is then read all of Acts 2 - not just the last few verses. The Acts 2 church was the beginning of the church - it started with an intense anointing and empowering by the Holy Spirit and ends with the disciples devoting themselves to their leader's teaching and to fellowship with each other. These people didn't just do Sunday services, check the box and live their life until the following week. No way! They did life together - every day.

Now I know what you are going to say - that is not practical. How can we meet every day? Wrong question. we should be asking How can we afford to not meet together each day?

The bottom line is that it comes down to priority. We face conflict in our lives each day and yet we only receive encouragement once a week. How can we adjust our lifestyle such that we place a higher priority in meeting together? How can we make sure that we are doing life together with the people that we meet with on Sundays? How can we be an Acts 2 church?

I think it comes down to a simple decision - like Nike proclaim to the world - JUST DO IT!!

We need to look at our day planners and schedules and not see where we can fit church in, but see where we can fit the other things that we give priority to into our fellowship and meeting with the body of Christ.

What would your week look like then? What would our church look like then? How would we impact our city if we met together with other believers every day? How much of a difference would our neighbors see in our lives? If we lived the way the Acts 2 church lived, do you think we would see the results they saw? Do you think we would see new converts added to the church EVERY DAY? Do you think we would see the sick healed EVERY DAY? Do you think we would see HIS KINGDOM COME like never before?

Wouldn't that be something. But I fear that we know best and the way we have decided to do church will continue and those results will be a thing of dreams and stories.


Anonymous said...

Sounds as if people need to move from a "me first" mentality to a "you first" mentality, that is, to see interfacing with OTHERS directly as a higher importance than what can I find to do to entertain ME.

Good luck trying to change that!

jkjosefm said...

Unlike Acts 2, one's church isn't the only church in a community nowadays. That's why I appreciate Revolutions and when I see people visiting other churches and enjoying fellowship with other Believers much like our Youth do.

So if we're being the Acts 2 church of the day, then Christians are meeting with Christians, not necessarily Oakers with Oakers. The Church will increase in number, not necessarily the building that we choose to worship in.

I think if we look at church more universally, then all these issues we think we have with "connections" will cease. If Jesus is truly in the Captains chair and then we're teaching/being taught what it means to know Him and follow Him as Pastor Ray has been doing (that man brings it E'ERY Sunday lol) then us sheep will hear the voice of The Shepherd and the Shepherd will draw all men unto Himself.

When He draws all men unto Himself and calls them to specific ministries and places it won't be a surprise when the place or projects He leads us to is joined by other Believers.

I think we all get in the way of Jesus being in the Captain's chair from leadership, to all appointed leadership, straight down to first time visitor. I think we either put our expectations of the church at the forefront or our personal desires for the church at the forefront which all may or may not actually be what Christ and His Spirit would have for us.