Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What Would Jesus Google? - for Marty

Ok, so I said I was going to write something and asked for ideas. The idea that was posted on my Facebook was this - 'how about Jesus using google'. So here goes.

Would Jesus use Google, and if so then what would He Google.

Well for some people they might get upset at this very question. After all, why would the God of the universe who was before all things were made, (even Google)have the need to look up anything on the internet. Why would I even consider such an insane notion.

Well, here is what I think. If Jesus were alive today, under the same circumstances that He was alive 2000+ years ago, then absolutely YES, JESUS WOULD USE GOOGLE.

THUD!! did I hear someone hit the floor? Why? Why would that surprise you? I guess that people would think that the Son of God would know everything, why would He have need of a computer or a search engine? well, here is why.

When Jesus came to the earth 2000 years ago, He did so under some specific conditions. According to Philipians 2:6-7 we read this:

"Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing,taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness."

When Jesus came to earth, He was fully God, but He set aside everything that was in Him that was God and became FULLY MAN. Jesus had no greater ability while here on earth than you or I do. He set aside everything that was divine in Him - he did not consider equality with God something to be grasped - He did not believe that having equal power with God was something He should hold on to. Jesus came to be just like us - how could He be just like us if He had all the power of the creator of the universe?

Jesus emptied Himself and took on human form.

So, if Jesus is just like you and me, and He was on earth today, where do you think He would go for His information? In His day He spent time with the scholars and teachers of the law - in the temple. There are not that many wise men hanging out in churches these days - probably get in trouble for that - but lets face it, there are a lot smarter people that we can learn from out there online.

I think that if Jesus were living on earth today and He had a question He would do two things - ask His Father in heaven, and use Google - and in that order.

Which order do you use?

Maybe the real question is not would Jesus use Google, but why dont we seek Jesus for answers.

See you in Mt Oak this Sunday - 10:30am - be there, Jesus will be, Google wont.


DisneyFanatic said...

I love it! I needed to read this. It's funny. Earlier today, I had a problem and I was trying to come with a way to solve it. My first thought was how am I going to get through this? Then I remembered, take your problems and burdens to God. Once I did that, PEACE came over my spirit.

Rely and trust and Him first!

bllnsamu said...

I think it's a clever way to look at it Jason. I love Marty's fascination with Google by the way. He had me looking and the newest technology called google wave, just today. Just thought that was an interesting tid bit. I definitely use that same order God, than google...well unless I need to figure out the correct spelling or the proper definition of a word when I'm reading a scholars, such as yourself, work. And Ironically I use it to look up specific Bible verse. Google is great, but it's not the way, the truth, and the life. I definitely agree if Jesus were on earth during present times, he would use Google, maybe just to see if he could find a good Jewish style restaurant...just making a joke, all you holy rollers don't go crazy, it's okay to laugh every now and then.