Thursday, June 18, 2009


This coming Saturday two very special people have the chance to make a choice that will change both of their lives forever. Sean and Janelle will be asked the most important questions of their lives and their choice is simple - "I do!"

We all have choices that we make every day. There are simple choices - like which radio station to listen to in the car on the way to work, and there are more difficult choices - like donut or muffin? Seriously though, we all make choices every day.

I would like to challenge us all to make some choices that will potentially have wide reaching effects. I would like to challenge us all to choose to get fully involved in the things that are going on at Mt Oak over the next few weeks. We have such an exciting opportunity to reach out to this city that we live in, but there is one thing that is holding us back - US. The biggest hindrance to the advancement of the Kingdom of God from the time of Jesus until now is not the Lord and His willingness to move, it is our choices and our decision to make ourselves available to be used by God or not.

As I write this I have a sense that this posting may cause some offense, and please hear me when I say that this is not my intention. I do not want to guilt anyone into action nor do I want to upset anyone, but I do want to bring the reality of the choices that we make and place it right in front of us for everyone to consider.

I know that for some, the idea of talking to people, or even walking and praying through a neighborhood is a scary thing. In fact, I am sure there are some of our congregation who have already chosen to attend another church on July 12th rather than take part in Amazing Sunday. I want to encourage you to reconsider that choice. I want to encourage you to choose to join with us as we reach out to a hurting city.

I want to encourage you by telling you that last Sunday we had all the kids up on the stage at the end doing actions to our closing worship song. Among those kids was one little boy who you probably did not recognize. Now dont feel bad that you dont know all the kids, because for this little boy the only person in the congregation who knew him was his mom. You see, this little boy who was up on stage trying to follow Babette as she led the kids in hand actions was a first time visitor. His mom met someone at the StreetReach booth at Bowiefest and she made a choice - she chose to come to church.

Last Saturday we had a small team walk through the P section dropping leaflets at doors. People who made a choice to come and serve. On Monday morning Milford received a call in the office from a resident on Pinelake Lane asking for help with some yardwork.

A simple choice to stand beside a booth and hand out information led to a new family visiting our Sunday service. A simple choice to walk through a neighborhood and hand out leaflets led to a connection with a new family and a chance to serve.

As you look at your schedule over the next few weeks what choices will you make? Will you choose to take your family out of town on Amazing Sunday weekend or will you choose to stay in town, come to Mt Oak and reach out to the city. During the VBS will you choose to stay at home in the evenings or will you choose to come and serve as a helper or will you choose to invite your neighbors along?

Its your choice.

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