Thursday, January 8, 2009

Who do you listen to?

One of the charges often levelled against me is that I want to do things my own way. This is very often a very accurate assessment of the situation, however, what people who make the accusation often do not know is that I have spent some time discussing the situation with a number of people beforehand and that 'my way' is more of a conglomeration of my personal thoughts with the direction and suggestions of others. Hence when I make a decision or move on a subject I tend to come across as being set in my ways and wanting to see my thing accomplished.

Now I know that I could go about the things I want to see done with a little more grace and humility, but when it comes to trying to accomplish a task, once I have heard counsel from others and set a course I tend to not waver too much from that course.

Is this a good or a bad thing? Hmmmmm, I wonder.

Who do you listen to? Do you listen to anyone? Do you allow anyone to speak into your life? Does anyone have the 'last word' in discussions with you?

Questions, questions.

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