Thursday, April 29, 2010

Has It Really Been A Month?

Dear Blog,

Has it really been a month since I last spoke to you? Has it really been so long? I guess I have neglected you for 'the other woman' so to speak! I started my second blog with my 210 in 2010 Challenge and have put more emphasis into that site than this one.

As I write that I can't help but think about the message I just heard at the Orange Conference here in Atlanta. Doug Fields was on stage talking about how every day we have to make choices. Every day we only have 24 hours in which to accomplish all the things that we deem important. Every day we all have the same amount of time to fulfill our to-do list. What aspect of your life gets your priority? What part of your to-do list ALWAYS gets the best of your time, the pick of your energy, the quality of your day?

For many of us we struggle between a choice of giving the best of our time between one of two life arenas - our jobs and our families. So which one wins in your life? When push comes to shove and you have things left on your to-do list, do you go home only to still be at work? Do you grace your family with your physical presence only to rob them of your actual presence? When you switch off from the office, is the ride home little more than a moments respite from log-in sessions?

When you finally retire and they give you that gold watch - will your kids resent the career that stole their dad so much that they wont wish to share in the excitement of the presentation?

Let's change the scenario and swap work for CHURCH. Will you continue to argue that 'this is the Lord's work' and therefore is more important than your family? Will you weep when you sit all alone in your chair, abandoned by your kids who resent you and the 'mistress' that stole your time, 'their' time with you? How long will you neglect your family for some 'higher' calling? When will you realize that there is no higher calling than being the best dad you can be? When will you realize that the meetings will continue, even if you are not present, the discussions will go on without your input and the problems will be resolved without your assistance? When will you realize that your daughter will never dance at another 'first dance recital', that your daughter will never have another 'first soccer practice', that your daughter will never have another 5th birthday party?

Well Jason, how long will it take you to realize that the greatest call that there is on your life is to be dad. to those precious gifts that God has given you - Julie your wife, Cara and Emma your daughters.

Don't let it be long. Create habits today that will produce a family that is strong and secure. Set in place a pattern of living where you are HOME when you are home. Take time to switch off from work, to unplug from church and to focus every ounce of your being on pouring your heart and soul into your family.

That's God's call on your life.

Now go LIVE IT!!

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