Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Is it Just Me or is Anyone Else Wrecked?

Today marked the end of one very long and busy semester for me. Sixteen weeks ago I embarked on a journey with 31 gifted young students, all eager to learn everything they could about the subject I am supposed to be an expert in. I spent over 30 hours a week teaching this fine young group all the skills I could transfer. At the end of it all, they all successfully completed their examinations and wil progress to the next stage of their career preparation. They won, and I did as well.

At the same time, I continued to work in the clinic for some 12 hours a week or so putting my skills to the test and helping people regain their function back. There have been a number of wins during the past few months.

As if this wasn't enough to keep me busy, I continued to try to serve my church as best I could with every ounce of leadership that remained. We did some things that we have never done before - like starting and leading a small group, the brunch and the outreach at Applebees - epic wins, and we did a lot of things that we have always done, most of them wins.

With all of this potential chaos going on it was possible that my most favorite treasures could be left out - my girls, all three of them. While there were times when all the busy-ness of the previous activities took over, I tried my best to work hard to giving them as much of my best as I could. Sadly, I didn't always win, but I tried to win every week.

So now, it is Christmas break - and what do I want? Some rest, lots of time with my girls, a chance to re-charge my batteries, time to read my bible, time to read some new books and some more time with my girls.

Let the active rest begin.

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