Monday, December 17, 2007

Languages of Worship - How Do You Speak to God?

If I were to collect my thoughts and add the thoughts of others into a compilation I think it would maybe flow something like this:

Ch 1 - Introduction - When Babel Babbled - a look at language and the infiniteness of different spoken languages, and a God who can speak them all fluently

Ch 2 - Worship as A Language - worship is all about communicating from our hearts to the heart of a living God - how do we 'speak' to our Creator? What language do we use?

Ch 3 - 8 - One voice, different language - each chapter would address a different suggested Worship language and look at their biblical origins - Raucous Praise, Quiet Contemplation, Reflective Adoration, Physical Offering, etc etc

Ch 9 - Corporate Cacophony or Symphonic Melody? - how do we come together in our congregations and bring a symphony of praise in all these different languages and glorify the One who our worship is for? How do we speak many worship languages at one time during corporate worship and how should worship leaders prepare the greatest phonics class of the week in a Sunday morning service?

Ch 10 - Final Thoughts - whatever they may be

Who knows, some day this may even become a reality and not just some late afternoon ramblings.

We will see


1 comment:

JILL BOYD said...

you're on to something Jason