Saturday, October 20, 2007

Release Your Inner Monologue

So we have progressed from Xanga, to Myspace, to Facebook and finally we have settled on Blogspot. What an interesting phenomenon this whole blogging thing really is. For decades the hidden inner voice within each of us was confined to our own minds, or occasionally was released into the pages of a well guarded diary or journal. But this is a new day, this is a time when our inner monologue is released, and not simply released to our friends or closest family members, nah, we put it out for all the world to see.

I guess in some ways there is a freedom that comes from releasing frustrations to an anonymous readership, or a non-existent readership. Well, maybe I'll let my inner voice come out a little more regularly through the pages of this blog. One thing you need to know though, there are a jumbled collection of random thoughts wandering the hallways of my mind at any given moment - so I cannot promise what will come out will be logical, understandable or knowledgeable. Just my inner monologue spilling over.

God bless


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are some things better off in your head than out of them.....